COVID-19 Skoleressourcer

Genåbning af Broome County-skoler

Broome County arbejder tæt sammen med lokale distriktsskoler i forbindelse med genåbningen i efteråret. Broome County Health Department har leveret adskillige dokumenter til Broome County-skolerne med oplysninger om kontaktsporing, testning, maskebrug og meget mere. Se venligst nedenstående links:

Broome County School Contact Tracing Plan

Broome County School Contact Tracing FAQ

Broome County Testing Plan

Broome County School Contact Tracing Guidance

Broome County Mask Guidance

Broome County Guidance for Higher Risk Sports

New York State Resources & Guidance

For information om guvernør Andrew Cuomos regionale genåbningsfaser og information om genåbning, kan du besøge guvernørens websted New York Forward her.

For oplysninger om vejledning om skolevejledning fra New York State Department of Health klik her.

For oplysninger om vejledning fra New York State Department of Education klik her.

For New York State COVID-19 Report Card klik her.


Har du spørgsmål vedrørende dit distrikts genåbningsplan? Klik på linket nedenfor:

Binghamton City School District

Broome-Tioga BOCES

Catholic Schools of Broome County

Chenango Forks Central School District

Chenango Valley Central School District

Deposit Central School District

Harpursville Central School District

Johnson City Central School District

Main-Endwell Central School District

Susquehanna Valley Central School District

Union-Endicott Central School District

Vestal Central School District

Whitney Point Central School District

Windsor Central School District

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